Tips To Writing Your Wedding Thank You Cards

wedding thank you card The Mill Lakeside Manor NJ wedding venue Here are some tips for writing your wedding thank you cards. When your gifts have begun to arrive, and you know that more will come on the day of your wedding.  The task of writing out so many thank you cards can seem quite daunting. Therefore, if you take it one step at a time, it will go smoothly.     

How to Begin Writing Your Wedding Thank You Cards

When you begin writing your thank you cards, create a list of names and addresses of the guests invited to the wedding as they are the ones that will be giving you gifts. Including all the names of the guests at each address is best.  First, having this list established will ensure the ease in sending out your wedding thank you cards.  Secondly, adding a column for the type of gift it was. Even if it is a monetary one, it’s also suggested.  Specifically purchasing cards that reflect your wedding color and design is another great tip, as the cards will tie it all together.   

Tip #1: Make is Easy

As the gifts come in, note how it is signed, including all the names.  It is a good idea to write on the gift card exactly what the gift is and/or the dollar amount, as appropriate. This will make it easier when you fill out your wedding thank you cards. If there is no card with the gift, however unlikely this may be, you can also take a photo of each gift to help to jog your memory.     

Tip #2: Be Exacting

First and foremost, please hand write your wedding thank you cards. While we live in the electronic messaging age, this is not the time to send out emails to say thank you. Undoubtedly each guest deserves something more personal from you. Guest believe that the gift you received from them was special. Certainly be sure to write on the wedding thank you card what the gift was, how you intend to use it, and how you and your partner appreciate it.  

Tip #3: Do not Hesitate

As the first gifts arrive, make notes to your list. Write a warm wedding thank you card, and mail them off as soon as possible. Generally if you do this a little at a time, this will not snowball on you and become overwhelming. Nothing feels better than getting a task behind you – especially the wedding thank you cards. Just remember to keep up with your correspondence and prompt mailings to complete your deserved satisfaction. CONTACT OUR TEAM at The Mill Lakeside Manor today to help with your wedding planning needs.  More Thank You Cards tips and ideas click here!